Here are downloads of some of my works and pastimes.
This is my profile as: PDF DOC
Invesdwin Platform:
This is a presentation about my software product line platform, which I developed as a basis for my research projects. The platform itself is based on my research on software product lines and uses scientifically new ideas in that area. Click here.
Master Thesis:
This is my master thesis, which I have written for my graduation as a Master of Science at the FHDW Paderborn. The title is "A Concept for Automated Trading in Value Investing" and it is about a new approach to developing trading strategies in a generative development process. Click here.
Battleship2D Java Game:
I have created this game in my 4. semester at the b.i.b. Paderborn in the subject java programming. It requires Java 5.0 or higher. Click on the image to open the game.